The Bank of New York Mellon
225 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281
If you are unfamiliar with any term below, please click the term for an explanation or see the complete glossary of terms.
Total Assets (more details):
$257,576.000 million
Net Loan and Leases (more details):
$33,725.000 million
All Real Estate Loans:
$4,428.000 million
Farm Loans:
$0.000 million
Commercial & Industrial Loans:
$3,063.000 million
Loans to Individuals:
$56.000 million
Loan Loss Allowance:
$143.000 million
Cash and Balance Due from Depository Institutions:
$73,505.000 million
Total Securities:
$108,454.000 million
Federal Funds Sold & Reverse Repurchase Agreements:
$14,616.000 million
Trading Account Assets:
$3,439.000 million
Bank Premises & Fixed Assets:
$1,053.000 million
Other Real Estate Owned:
$4.000 million
Goodwill and other Intangibles:
$7,171.000 million
All Other Assets:
$15,609.000 million
Total Liablities:
$233,178.000 million
Net Income:
$2,288.000 million
HISTORICAL TRENDS (Last 10 years, Quarterly)
The graphs below contain the quarterly data from the banks for the last 10 years (where applicable). The numbers are Year-To-Date for each quarter. To view a table of the data, please click on the "Click here to view data table" above the graph.
Asset History ($Millions)
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- The Bank of New York Mellon's 2016 Q4 assets experienced a decrease of 19.32% as compared to the same quarter in 2015.
- The assets for all FDIC banks experienced an increase of 4.98%.
- The assets for all banks in the International Specialization experienced an increase of 5.42%.
Liability History ($Millions)
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- The Bank of New York Mellon's 2016 Q4 liabilities experienced a decrease of 21.54% as compared to the same quarter in 2015.
- The liabilities for all FDIC banks experienced an increase of 5.13%.
- The liabilities for all banks in the International Specialization experienced an increase of 5.40%.
Asset/Liability History (Percent)
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- The Bank of New York Mellon's 2016 Q4 asset/liability ratio experienced an increase of 2.83% as compared to the same quarter in 2015.
- The asset/liability ratio for all FDIC banks experienced a decrease of 0.14%.
- The asset/liability ratio for all banks in the International Specialization experienced an increase of 0.02%.
Net Income History ($Millions)
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- The Bank of New York Mellon's 2016 Q4 (YTD) net income is $2,288.00 million. Its normalized income is at 0.89%.
- The normalized income for all banks in the same quarter is 1.02%.
- The normalized income for all banks in the International Specialization in the same quarter is 0.93%.
The sum of all assets owned by the institution including cash, loans, securities, bank premises and other assets. This total does not include off-balance-sheet accounts.
Total loans and lease financing receivables minus unearned income and loan loss allowances.
Loans secured primarily by real estate, whether originated by the bank or purchased.
Loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers. Excludes savings institutions filing a Thrift Financial Report.
Commercial and industrial loans. Excludes all loans secured by real estate, loans to individuals, loans to depository institutions and foreign governments, loans to states and political subdivisions and lease financing receivables.
Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures including outstanding credit card balances and other secured and unsecured consumer loans.
Each bank must maintain an allowance (reserve) for loan and lease losses that is adequate to absorb estimated credit losses associated with its loan and lease portfolio (which also includes off-balance-sheet credit instruments).
Total cash and balances due from depository institutions including both interest-bearing and noninterest-bearing balances.
Total investment securities (excludes securities held in trading accounts). The full implementation of FASB 115 became effective as of January 1, 1994. Beginning on that date, a portion of banks' securities portfolios are reported based upon fair (market) values; previously, all securities not held in trading accounts were reported at either amortized cost or the lower of cost or market. A negative total securities amount indicates a
TFR Reporter with assets held in trading accounts that exceed total securities.
Total federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices. Includes only federal Funds sold for TRF Reporters before March 1998.
Securities and other assets acquired with the intent to resell in order to profit from short-term price movements. Effective January 1, 1994, this item includes revaluation gains. This item is included in securities for
TFR Reporters.
Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, equipment and other assets representing bank premises (including capitalized leases) owned by the institution.
Includes direct and indirect investments in real estate. The amount is reflected net of valuation allowances. For Thrift Financial Reporters, the valuation allowances include allowances for other repossessed assets.
Intangible assets include goodwill, mortgage servicing rights, purchased credit card relationships and other identifiable intangible assets.
All other assets include investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries, customers' liability on acceptances outstanding, income earned not collected on loans, net deferred tax assets, excess residential mortgage servicing fees receivable and other assets.
Deposits and other borrowings, subordinated notes and debentures, limited-life preferred stock and related surplus, trading account liabilities and mortgage indebtedness.
Net interest income plus total noninterest income plus realized gains (losses) on securities and extraordinary items, less total noninterest expense, loan loss provisions and income taxes.
A measurement (quantifiable) of the bank's finance.
A member of a select set of metrics that serve as key indicators of the bank's performance.
This is defined by (Net Income)/(Assets) for the YTD or quarter as specified. This KPI neutralizes effect of the bank's size, so a small community bank can be compared to a much larger national bank on the same scale.
A directional univariate rating of the bank's performance based on its quarterly normalized net income.
A directional univariate rating of the bank's performance based on its delinquent asset portfolio.
A directional univariate rating of the bank's performance based on its asset:liability ratio.
A directional univariate rating of the bank's performance based on its real estate loan portfolio.
A KPI-based multivariate rating of the bank's financial status. This is generated using the bank's Bankability Composite Score.
A numerical representation of the bank's financial status, using a multivariate KPI approach. This can assume any value on the real number line. Please refer to the
Official Bankability Composite Score Thread for additional information.
N/A: | Insufficient data |
Very Poor: |      |
Poor: |      |
Moderate: |      |
Good: |      |
Excellent: |      |